Thursday 4 April 2024

Focus and Confidence

Here is the description of a tarot card I picked:

In addition to maintaining passionate and interested in your goals, you also have to work hard to keep going. You must believe that you can overcome all challenges. Please keep your emotion under control.

You know, I've been pursuing a professional project since January. The journey has been bumpy and I've been telling myself that confidence does not mean competence. Just because you feel confident, it doesn't mean you have grown equally in ability. I came across this revelation while watching one of many self-growth and self-help videos this year. I thought to myself , yeah, maybe that's my problem all along. I have become tired and irritable by facing one after another unsatisfactory pursuit. I was about to give up and I saw my tarot card reading.

Morgan Housel has said that if you continue to be good for a long time, you will succeed in the end. I think I am pretty good with what I am doing and I've been doing it for 20+ years. I am in a place with people who appreciate what I am doing. Not everyone is as lucky as me. I just need to keep at it. Focus on what works and confident that it will bring reward in the end.

Best realization this year so far.

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