Saturday 6 February 2021

2021 weekly - week 5

02/02/2021, Tuesday

Oh no, Captain Tom passed away. "Undefeatable, never take a backward step", a life well lived and meant something to everyone. Such an inspiring character. Will remember him in my heart.

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Cardio + Upper Body 1hr 

03/02/2021, Wednesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Pilates Lower Body 1hr 

04/02/2021, Thursday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Cardio + Lower Body 1hr 

05/02/2021, Friday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Cardio + Upper Body 1hr 

Man, this is a pretty crazy combo of exercises. I was completely beat near the end but it's nice to finish something challenging before the weekend.

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