Wednesday 27 November 2019

My NWB diary - 11/2019

14/11 Thursday

The rain finally stopped over night. The sky is clear with a little bit sun. I'm going to the gym.
Parked in a bay higher than usual as lunch time tends to get busy. Engine off. Bag on and off we go.
There are many leaves on the ground. Found a wooden slope on the edge of the leaves, wet but no leaves. Hesitated for a few seconds, I told myself I will just walk slowly.

First step ok, second step, oh no, violently fell to the ground and twisted my right ankle completely 90degrees left, flat on surface, as if I could walk on it.

And I heard a pop.

In shock for 5 seconds, not really sure what to do, my instinct told me to twist my ankle back to the normal orientation. So I did.

Luckily a work colleague just came out of the gym. I managed to get his attention and that's when I discovered my right leg can't support any weight now.

Long story short, I am now in A&E and the Xray confirmed two bones have been broken on both sides of my ankle.

I need a surgery.

Cast on, in the hospital green gown, wheeled to a bed, waiting for my surgery.

This is the start of my non-weight bearing (NWB) journey.

15/11 Friday

Woke up in the hospital not sleeping very well. The non stopping beeping machines, the nurses diligently checking vital signs every 2 hours throughout the night make it a bit hard. Around 9am, the orthopedic surgeon came to examine (with his entourage). Cut the cask open and told me that the swelling is too severe for the surgery. Come back in a week.

I was given crutches, shown by the physiotherapist how to use them, and 3 boxes of meds including two types of pain killers.

And I went home.
I had a very good night sleep, feeling better.

16/11 Saturday

Waking up and realised that every simple daily routine now takes extra long. Just getting out of the bed took me a few tries to figure out a routine. No matter, I am a scientist and I can think.

17/11 Sunday

The hospital called in the early afternoon. Informing me to get ready for Monday afternoon op.

Feeling eeriely excited. I am back in the system and about to make the next step (no pun intended).

Yes, I am ready.

18/11 Monday

Arrived at 11am to get prepped for the op.
 - Medical questions, answered.
 - Samples, given.
 - Vital signs, taken.
 - Anesthesian, spoken.

I'm getting close.

The chief nurse came to inspect the swelling, she said it's borderline.
Then the surgeon came. No. When he compares my good ankle to the broken one, I know there is no argument.
Sent back home the second time.
Use ice packs, elevation and rest, he said.

19/11 Tuesday

Feeling really defeated, even though it's for the best outcome. I just need to be patient.

20/11 Wednesday

We decided to cancel the Xmas holiday in France and my Chinese new year trip in mid January. My brother had planned a trip to Japan but that I can't go either.

I'm also gutted to give up my French classes. H is the best teacher I've had, ever, and I had to give up after just one term. So lots of emailing and calling during the past few days.

21/11 Thursday

Called to confirm the surgery on Friday. I hope my nightly ice treatment so far would get me under the knife smoothly (as ironically as it sounds).

22/11 Friday

Reported to L2. You would not have imagined it's 7am as every seat has been taken in the waiting area. I am on a wheelchair so just need to find a place to park.

Got seen quite quickly first by the anesthesian and by the surgeon. Judged by the area just above the ankle, the swelling is too visible to ignore, even for the untrained eyes. The skin is "shiny" and not in the usual color.

Yes, going home the third time. I feel like really defeated. I have tried all I could and it's still not enough. Maybe it's a bitter medicine I need to swallow.

Wait for another call on Sunday.

24/11 Sunday

Got a call around 11am. Being pushed back to Tues. One more day to fight the swelling.

25/11 Monday

I'm slowly getting used to do delteparin injection. It makes me see diabetic patients in awe.

26/11 Tuesday

Surgery, yes, really. Anesthetist came and then the surgeon, too. Finally the consent form.  Going in now. Excited.

27/11 Wednesday

I remember waking up in the theatre with a head still full of some drugs. Cloudy and not in full fledged pain. I had a hunch that the op went well.

Today my surgeon came to see me. He said the surgery was a success and he was able to fix both sides of the ankle as the swelling had gone down to an acceptable level. He will see me in 2 weeks to follow up the recovery. Going home today.

La récupération, quel doux le mot!

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