Saturday 1 September 2018

2018 weekly - Week 35


We are back to the familiar British weather. Sun, rain, clouds and blue sky all in one hour. Now it looks like it's going to catch up with the rain we didn't have for two months. Well, can't really complain. High 16C today, eerily familiarly comforting.

Binge-watched BBC's 1995 Pride and Prejudice last night. Now I understand why people just can't stop talking about it. It's such a classic with excellent acting. Mrs Bennett is unbearable with a few silly daughters to match. I resisted with all my power not to fast forward when she rants. Really wondered why Mr Bennett decided to marry her but hey ho. Yes, the obvious stars are Miss Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy. Yes the production is more than 20 years old but it feels refreshingly modern. I love it.


Made a seriously evil thing today called Banana Caramel Pudding which is actually custard. You are supposed to start with white sugar and make caramel, add banana puree and finish fresh cream in the end (did you smell this already?) but I already have salted caramel sitting in the fridge. So I heated salted caramel first and added banana puree. The smell is intoxicating. Then the pudding was made by adding eggs, milk and cornstarch. I have to exercise greatest restraint not to woof down in one go.

Glad to have another way to solve my two-banana conundrum*, other than smoothie or banana bread.

*I always seem to have two overripe bananas sitting staring at me whenever I buy bananas.

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