Saturday 2 June 2018

2018 weekly - Week 22


Spring is such a joyous occasion. Just looking plants sneaking out from the compost is enough to put me in a good mood. Our luck with British sun continues over this weekend. And tomorrow is another bank holiday. What can I ask for more?


All flower bulbs 75% off! Somebody went a bit crazy. It's not me, if you are wondering as I only got a pack of red begonia. All three are in the pot and I hope!


Tried two fitness classes today, LBT followed by Body Pump. Not sure whether I am pushing myself too hard as feeling a bit tired in the evening. I will try this combo a few months and see how it goes. I like strength training. any chance to wave goodbye to my flabby arms? We will see.


Mom's dinner: Salmon in ginger and green onion sauce, blanched broccoli and carrots, stir-fry mushrooms

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