Saturday 28 April 2018

2018 weekly - Week 17


Why did people decide to turn against one another? Out of anger, frustration, pride or just pure malice? This peculiar place where I work has gone from bad to worse, toxic. Peer pressure is such a powerful thing, not just on teenagers. You would have thought that so-called adults would be immune from that. There is only so much I can do for money.


Who wants to buy us? What's there to buy? Haha.

Saturday 21 April 2018

2018 weekly - Week 16


Summer has temporarily landed this week. 20+C for the rest of the week!

I think I have found a new routine with the new gym. Four fitness classes per week, all different. As I no longer go in the evening, my 5K running plan has to stop. But I am having great fun with the classes. They are diverse and effective (I never knew I could sweat so much!). Yes, I am one of the weakest in the class but I hope to see my improve by summer.

And the swimming pool looks so tempting but finding time to do it is an issue for me.

Well, just to say that I thoroughly enjoy the new gym and glad to have a routine again.

Saturday 14 April 2018

2018 weekly - Week 15


Tried my first new restaurant this year, Samaan restaurant. It's my first ever taste of Iraqi cuisine and I was thoroughly impressed. Excellent grill meat with mild seasoning (my kind of thing) and full of flavor. And oh my world, the superb nann bread. The bread is featherly light, crisp on the outside and tender inside. Considering how thin it is, I am in awe of the skill to make it taste so fine.

Definitely come back for this one. Hope it won't change for some time.


I haven't really written much for 2018 weekly this year partly  because I've been so busy with work and travel. After New Orleans, my attention is fully on Basel presentation. It's been a long time since I have a talk in a conference. A little daunting but also excited. I will try to make this presentation as fine as I could.


Friday the 13th!

Had a very good workshop today. A really nice way to end the week and to replenish my energy for science.

Saturday 7 April 2018

2018 weekly - Week 14


Present is fragile. It can be squashed instantly by a ghost story. The old self, the youthful past and this annoying little thing called love. What does age really mean? It surely changes our appearances but inside?

45 years.