Sunday 14 August 2016

Summer of 2016

Time is flying at speed of light ever since I entered 40. Months and years pass me by before I have a moment to say, what? Well, it's not the quantity but the quality, remember? I will try.

This July we spent six fantastic and exhaustive days in the Alps. The Alps must be the place where the fittest people go. Because while I was trying with every bit of my sweat and concentration to focus on a very steep and slippery road (upwards and down), people kept passing me by, running, in fact, most of the time, as if they were walking along the beach promenade. Despite the testament to my physical ability, this trip is an unforgettable experience for me. I start to understand why people have been fascinated about the Alps for all these time. The vastness of this mountain range, the most vivid color you will find in the midst of summer and the ever changing terrain, how can one be ever bored there!?

Shortly after we came back, we had the pleasure of our nieces and nephew visiting. How big they have grown! Long gone the image of them playing with their toys when they were half of our height. They are now as tall or even taller than I am! And what a nice group of fine young adults they turned out to be. They are eager to talk to me and help me around the house. They are such a pleasure to have around.

And this summer is also a summer of incessant heatwave, at least 5 degrees above normal, sometimes 10 degrees. I don't remember British summer being so long. It's nice, having a proper summer finally, although I am behaving a bit like a Brit when one always longs for the opposite. Well, life is good here, with heatwave or not, considering what else is happening across the globe. I am grateful.

This weekend, we managed to go through a kilo of Greek Yogurt! A kilo! How did it happen? Not every gram is eaten but the whole kilo is either in the form or dessert or salad waiting in the fridge. And I just realised I need more to make this pasta salad for the next week when more heatwave is expected.

How bad can it be when the only thing I get to complain is not enough Greek yogurt?

I hope you've had a good summer.

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