Tuesday 5 May 2015

One of the kind

Freddie Mercury, how can you not admire (and for me, love) someone who gave it all in? A Great Pretender maybe, but who isn't? With time, most of us have protective shells grown around us, even if some of us are smart enough to avoid the bad crowd. True talent is like fire in an active volcano, you know it when you see it. There is no way to hide it.

Yes he is flamboyant, outrageous, uncontrollable and perhaps some find offensive, but he is also exuberant, indomitable, innovative and pushing the boundaries. He's a first-rate composer, a spirited performer and a mysterious person of contradictions. That last bit matters nothing to me. I could enjoy his music as much with my eyes closed.  A rock star who loves opera, I found that out from the Documentary, A Great Pretender. That's why he wrote songs for Montserrat Caballé with whom he held highest esteem. Barcelona was born, what a groundbreaking and unforgettable album. It was the first time a rock star performing alongside with an opera singer. And it's truly magical. It feels powerful and yet so harmonious. The melodies are energetic, elegant and simply beautiful. It's my favorite.

Look beyond the exterior, if you could. Listen to his music with eyes closed, if you would. Let the unstoppable energy and sheer joy of his work flow through your inner self. I hope you would then appreciate Freddie's so much zest for life and truly one of the kind, inimitable talent, Freddie Mercury, the world is richer and less boring because of you. Thank you.

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