Friday 6 September 2013

One step at a time

One and half month without phone and internet, life was actually not too bad. In fact, I quite enjoyed my evenings with books and chatting to Mom and Dad. I finished two very good books, one fiction, The Shack, and one factual, The Natural. I am usually not really into religion theme but I really enjoy reading The Shack. Although it has an unmissable religious undertone (or overtone), I see it more a book about human relationship. It's thought provoking. I want to read it again.The Natural is about Clinton presidency which took place at the time when I was still in the States. It's kind of like walking into the memory lane while reading the book as I remember quite a lot of the snippets of news events in the book. However, it's a very deep and personal look at Clinton presidency. Very sharp and to the point analysis. I have to say that it changed my views about Clinton.

Today, we got both phone and internet installed. So much for the widely advertised 30mb per second, my foot. We barely reach over just 1mbps. Very disappointed.  The engineer said it may take one day to stabilize the installation. Well, let's see whether it's another sales tactic.

In any way, I am back to the civilized word, or sort of. One at a time.

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