Wednesday 18 September 2013

Almond milk two ways

This YouTube clip is mind blowing. Almond milk in 3 minutes? Yep, it is possible. I just made some almond butter tonight. Almond milk here I come!

Traditional method of making almond milk

- 1 cup of raw almonds, soaked in water overnight
- 4 cups of drinking water
- pinch of salt
- vanilla extract (optional)
- 4 stoned dates (optional)
- a straining bag or cheese cloth lined mesh strainer
- a decent blender

Drain the soaked almonds. Put almonds, drinking water, salt, vanilla extract and dates in a blender. Start blending until it becomes creamy. Pour the almond milk into a straining bag. Gently squeeze almond milk out. Enjoy.

Three-Minute Almond Milk (or Almond Milk On Demand)

- 2 tablespoons of almond butter
- 2-4 cups of drinking water (vary the amount of water to suit your taste)
- pinch of salt
- vanilla extract
- dates

Blend everything up and drink! No straining necessary.

Now that's what I call magic almond milk.

Note added on 19/09: 2 tablespoons of almond water to 2 cups of water makes a rather thin almond milk to my taste. I understand that it won't be fair to compare almond milk to the rich taste of cow milk. To make it taste richer, I added another tablespoon of almond butter to my milk. Now that's better.

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