Saturday 12 January 2013

Dîner chez moi - 12-18 January

First, belated happy new year to you. Being back home for almost a week, work has caught up with me. It's nice to feel that my professional opinions are valued and sought. I have to say that I feel quite pleased with how my work has gone for the last few years. I hope the trend continues in the coming year.

My small English kitchen also starts for real this Saturday. Now both of us are back from holidays and work travel (Yes, already!).  My small goal for our 2013 dinning table is to have more vegetable-based main courses and leave meat/protein as a side. I love vegetables but I think it takes a lot more creativity (and planning) to make vegetables the star of the table (not to mention to please a carnivore). It is a challenge I love to take and it is also a way to venture out my cooking comfort zone.

I am not aiming to become meat-less (I love my steak too much) but I want to see whether I (or we) could live by "Mostly veggies" motto. What about you, do you have any food resolution this year?

Saturday - Spinach and ricotta cannelloni, grilled sausages, garlic buttered bread

Sunday - Vegetarian cottage pie, buttered green beans, cold ham slices

Monday - Baked cod with light crust, roasted ratatouille, steamed rice

Tuesday - Broccoli risotto, grilled smokey sausages

Wednesday - same as Saturday

Thursday - same as Sunday

Friday - wild card

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