Monday 26 November 2012

I make - tuna chilli pasta

A very gentle introduction of canned fish into pasta. Lovely.

Tuna chilli pasta (adapted from Foodwishes)

- one jar of tuna packed in oil
- 4 strips of anchovies
- 1/4 tsp dried oregano
- 4 cloves of garlic, minced
- 1/4 tsp dried chilli flakes
- 2 cups of Marcella Hazan's tomato butter sauce (absolutely wonderful, my favorite pasta sauce and I always have some in the fridge. You can use instead store-bought pasta sauce, canned tomato soup or just canned tomatoes)
- pasta of your preference (I prefer egg pasta, tagliatelle or Taglioni/Taglierini), cooked and drained
- freshly grated parmesan
- salt and pepper to taste

Pour the tuna oil into a frying pan. Heat gently along with anchovies, garlic, oregano and chilli flakes. When anchovies are almost dissolved in the pan, tip in the tuna chunks. Do not stir too much. You want tuna to remain in chunks.

Pour in tomato sauce. Simmer the tuna mixture for 10 minutes under moderate heat. Season with salt and pepper. Mix in the cooked pasta. Gently toss to mix thoroughly. Cook the pasta in the sauce for 2 minutes. Scatter parmesan on top. Turn the heat off and put the lid on for a minute or two.

Serve with blanched vegetables.

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