Thursday 13 October 2011

KISS principle

It has been non-stop at work since the start of October. I keep a mental list of things which need to be completed and once I finish one, I move on to another. Like a well oiled machine, I know exactly what comes next and how I should do it.

Despite my rather gloomy astrology forecast for this month, this is also the month which I got the most (verbal) recognitions from my colleagues. I have been told by five different people, including whom we try to avoid one other during daily coffee time, that I am doing a really good work and they all said "thank you very much" to me.

Am I pleased?

In a way, yes. I am pleased to know that I can be efficient and productive. And I really know a thing or two about what I am doing and what I do have real impacts on the projects.

However, my views about my current work place and about certain people have not changed. I am not ungrateful. It's not that everyone gets praised whenever s/he does good work. Yes, I am fortunate to be in a place that some people make the effort to let me know that I am doing a good job. Maybe I have become cynical when it comes to this place. Perhaps my little ego hidden in the darkest corner still comes out to whisper discontent out of illusion into my ears. Everyone told me that I am lucky to have so much in my life and that I should be content.

Maybe life is only as complicated as you make it.

Keep It Simple, Stupid.

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