Saturday 3 August 2019

2019 weekly - Week 31


Last week was quite eventful, heatwave and a new record high, cousin's visit, my swollen foot, visit to the dentist, gym shower work for 6 weeks. I hope to get some rest this coming week.

With 10 hrs of rain, clouds, wind, 16 degrees outside and chattering from the trees, I feel better.


I know I will sound ungrateful but I'm sick of my mom's cooking now. Always the same, daily broccoli, soya pork or grilled salmon. And never changing rice. I've had that for a month. I don't think it would change much for the next 1.5 month. If I want to eat something different, I have to cook. This is really not a problem for me. I would rather she asks me to cook.


I was supposed to be in London with an ex-colleague for a Prudential FreeCycle today but she just had an eye surgery. Better not to risk.

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