Saturday 9 March 2019

2019 weekly - Week 10


I've had minor annoyances for 3 weeks. First is the neck pain which restricted my motion. I think it all started when I didn't sleep properly one night and the pain just stayed, getting slightly better and worse again by my gym workout. Googling around, I made myself a cervical pillow by rolling up a thick hand towel and putting inside a pillowcase along side my normal pillow. The idea is to give your neck some support as the neck bone is curved. It worked nicely to alleviate my neck pain and I dare say that it even speeds up the recovery.

I also used my air travel pillow as my neck brace during the day. This one works particularly well as it provides solid but comfortable support on one side of the neck so I put it on the side where my nect was painful.

So I hope to say good-bye to neck pain.

But tonight I started to have back pain. Mid back on the left, perhaps some twisted muscles after Bounce Fit today?

Arrggh, can my body just please stop trying to make me feel old?

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