Saturday 28 July 2018

2018 weekly - Week 30


This early morning's thunderstorm finally broke the dry spell since the first of June. Some patches of the lawn quickly turned green after a good soak. How resilient life is!

And it rained more this evening. Hopefully my garden has had a good drink.


Got myself a stove-top pressure cooker. Never used or owned one before but decided to try in order to save energy. Instructions were rather easy to follow so pretty easy to use (Tower One-Touch 4L). Just need to get used to the hissing sound during the cooking period (quite unnerving I have to say but will probably get used to).

I made pulled pork with 40-min cooking time and served with Greek salad and chapatti. Quite pleased with the results.

More pressure cooking awaits.

Saturday 21 July 2018

2018 weekly - Week 29


Allez les bleus! France won the world cup this year, after 20 years! What a game with Croatia who put up a really worthy fight. I think I am a fan of Croatia now!


A very eventful week, having to getting up earlier than usual. I am exhausted! They say the heatwave is reaching another peak next week...

Saturday 14 July 2018

2018 weekly - Week 28


A very nice match between France and Belgium in the semi-final during 2018 World Cup. France in the final!


Happy anniversary, Mr.

Made a rather nice pasta dish with 4 courgettes (large dices), 6 fatty garlic cloves (chopped), 4 green onions (chopped), 1 tbsp dried mint (mixed 1/4 tsp italian herbs), sauteed until courgettes are tender but not browned. Finish with grated cheddar on top.

Looks like it's going to be France vs Croatia in the final. Allez les bleus!


You wouldn't believe it, someone(s) cut our front roses!! Our front roses are our pride and joy, year after year never failing us to give us plenty of showy blooms. But this year someone cut them behind our back. This is distasteful! I hope at least that person(s) enjoyed the flowers as much as we do.

Saturday 7 July 2018

2018 weekly - Week 27


The heatwave continues for another month? I am melting now.


Friend N and her daughter A visited us today. We had a lovely evening in the back garden. Thank you N and A for the good time together!