Saturday 24 February 2018

2018 weekly - Week 8

Still having fun with my family. 2018 weekly will return to normal soon.

Be well.

Saturday 17 February 2018

2018 weekly - Week 7


Good morning, Alishan.


Just bite the bullet, go see my dentist. :-(


Happy Chinese New Year (of the Dog)!

Saturday 10 February 2018

2018 weekly - Week 6


Two last meetings before I take off to the green island!


Sharing a bottle of bubbly with our neighbour, F, to thank her for the support.

Saturday 3 February 2018

2018 weekly - Week 5


Courgette and mint, what a great combination! Made a frittata tonight with courgettes, potatoes, onions and dried mint. The mint flavor is quite subtle in the final frittata but somehow lifts and enhances the overall flavor. Even the carnivore hubby praised it tonight. Success!


"Once in a blue moon" means something happens very rarely. I am sure you know? Tonight is a blue moon astronomically as we are having a second full moon within a calendar month. It turned out that tonight the moon is also very close to the earth which makes this blue moon a super moon! And this super blue moon is really special because of its third feature and I shall let you find out from here. Don't forget to watch the night sky tonight!


Cookie brittle, a recipe I've been meaning to make but never got around it. Got home early tonight so what can be a better opportunity/excuse?! It's basically a blondie recipe (minus the egg) but bake it thinly so that it comes out crisp. The recipe is easily halved which is what I did (can't justify making the whole thing with just one month into the new year!). I can see why many people say it's addictive. Be warned!

Next time, I will mix the chocolate chips into the dough rather than dotted on the surface. Other than that, it's a keeper!

Half-portioned cookie brittle

- 100 g butter
- 100 g demerara sugar or brown sugar (1/2 cup)
- 140 g flour (1 cup)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- pinch of salt
- 1 cup of chopped nuts and chocolate chips

Preheat the oven at 175C.

Melt butter and sugar in a pot. Keep the heat medium-low. Once the butter is all melted, beat the mixture vigorously to blend sugar and butter into one cohesive mixture while cooling down.

Once the butter-sugar mixture cools to body temperature, stir in the remaining ingredients. Mix thoroughly. Tip the dough onto a prepared tin (lined) and use your fingers/spatula to flatten the dough out to a thickness of 0.5-0.8cm.

Bake the dough at 175C for 22-25 minutes. Rotate the tray twice at the interval of 10 minutes. If the cookie browns too quickly, drop the temperature to 160C.

Cool the cookie brittle completely before breaking or cutting into smaller pieces.