Saturday 18 November 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 46


Finished 5000 meters in 41 minutes and 11 seconds. Perhaps I can get under 41 minutes this year?!


Went to watch Blade Runner 2049 in the movie theater. A really good plot, not to mention the very thought provoking. What makes human human once the reproduction barrier is removed?


This cauliflower dish needs a worthy mention as this is one of the most comforting and tasty cauli dishes I've ever made. You start with cooking 1 chopped onion until golden brown. Add in grated ginger and chopped garlic. Stir in some garam masala (or any indian or middle eastern mixed spice) and cook for a couple of minutes. Mix in a can of tomatoes. Reduce the sauce slightly before adding blanched cauliflower florets. Stir in a cup of coconut milk and chopped coriander. Season with salt and pinch of sugar. Great vegan dish for non-vegan people!

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