Saturday 28 October 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 43


This is the first time in 10 years that I also have a "half-term" break. No evening class this week, oohoo! How funny it feels to be excited for a break after being a student again.


Annie Lennox, the one and only Goddess in pop music. Simply sublime.

Saturday 21 October 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 42


When I easily feel tired and for no reasons, I know it's the reduced daylight which starts to impact me. I've come to accept that side of me over the years. Shorter days and longer nights are not my friends but I will deal with it.

Just heard that our dear friend B just recovered from septicemia. This is potentially life threatening and I am so glad that our friend is now on the mend back home. Speedy recovery, B.

Saturday 14 October 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 41


Happy birthday, Taiwan. Not recognized or admitted as an official entity by many but you are the only country that I know to exist and thrive despite all odds.

I love you, Taiwan.


Another Friday the 13th.

One friend who dropped me a line today asked how I was. I explained to her what I have been doing in a few lines. Then, she sent me a "thumb up" and that's the end of it. C'mon. Please don't insult me with possibly the most meaningless sign in the world.

This is how my day was rescued. Got to chat with a long-time friend. Although she's the one who has worries, I am the one who is soothed. That's the magic of her. All the best, Y-W.

Saturday 7 October 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 40


A new running record for me, 5000 meters for 41 minutes and 25 seconds. Most people can finish 5K under 40 minutes. Not me. I am not a runner but I enjoy running making my heart work harder. It's a race against myself, like many things in life.


Tried a variation of Pad See Ew tonight. First time making Thai rice noodles dish, not bad at all. I soaked my dried rice noodles in freshly boiled water just under 1 minute before tossing them into a pan of cooked vegetables and omelette chunks. I served it with grilled salmon. Lime juice drizzle just before serving is highly recommended!

I will try Pad Kee Mao next (don't you just love the sound of the name?)


Rediscovered black/purple rice this week. It has a nice texture (not as coarse as other wholegrain rice) and a unique fragrance. And the good thing is that it's very tolerant of the cooking as it doesn't get mushy. My preferred way of cooking is to 1) wash the rice in three changes of water, 2) bring 1 part of rice and 1.5 part of water to boil, 3) heat off and cover for 30 minutes, 4) heat on again for 10 minutes and 4) heat off and cover for another 10 minutes. Fluff and eat.

Next time I will try cooking for 20 minutes on low heat and heat off/cover for 10 minutes.