Saturday 24 June 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 25


I tried red lentil hummus today. This is actually my second attempt by cooking red lentils differently. I put one cup of rinsed and drained red lentils in a pot. Pour in freshly boiled water until red lentils are completely covered, with water level about 1cm above red lentils. Then I bring the pot to a boil and reduce the heat down immediately with lid on. After 8-10 minutes, red lentils are pretty much cooked without much water at the bottom. This saves me from the extra step of straining lentils afterwards.

To make hummus, I added 3 tablespoons of tahini sauce, garlic powder, cumin powder and yogurt to 1 1/2 cup of cooked red lentils. Season with salt and pepper. I was out of lemon, otherwise juice from 1/2 of a lemon is also good for hummus. Rest the hummus in the fridge for a few hours, so can I!

19/06/2017 - 24/06/2017

2017 so far has proven to be very unsettling. You see the worst of human beings almost weekly now all over the world. Another terror attack in London, high-rise building with illegal cladding material which led to deaths of so many lives, politicians using human beings as game chips once again. This is just what's happened on this small island. Don't let me even start the other side of the Atlantic.

Do human beings inherently want to minimize one another? Surely by now everyone can see (or evolution has proven, if scientific evidence needed) that we only get to progress when we work together? I will continue do what I can to make life better for people around me, however small it may seem. If we all do a little like that, at least we know for sure that some people'e lives are better because of our small efforts.

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