Monday 28 March 2016

Spring 2016

The long Easter weekend, ah, who doesn't like it after long, dark and uninspiring winter days? For me, Easter weekend formally signals Spring. The longer days, warmer temperature and unstoppable sings of life, everywhere you look, how can not anyone feel cheerful?

Today is Easter Monday, the last day of the long weekend. The sun is out and the wind (thanks Storm Katie) has subsided. Time to get the flower seeds in the ground!

I planted Zinnia and African Marigold in three pots each. Also, I put two begonia corms in the ceramic pot on the terrace, and sowed some tomato seeds which were thrown in for free by the vendor. Our world may still be going through some turbulence but at least in my 15-sq meter garden I can toss my worries away for a moment to have a sense of pure joy, just being alive.

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