Sunday 15 February 2015

My new found love

You might have noticed that I have been under Ina's spell lately. Yes, I know I've come to the scene quite late. After all, Ina Garten is a well known multi-media personality in the culinary world. Quite an interesting career background she has, from white house nuclear physics analyst, business woman, writer and TV presenter. She is another self-taught chef I've come to admire and found to benefit greatly from.

I've got two of her books, Make It Ahead and Barefoot in Paris. This is probably the first time I devour a whole book in a week, cover to cover! I just couldn't put it down. Her books are not picture rich but each picture tells you exactly what you should know and expect about a dish she's going to show you. I like she always writes at the beginning of each chapter to prepare readers. I feel like Ina is talking to me! Reading her words one page after another, I couldn't put it down. I found her approach very pragmatic, her advice sensible, all with clear instructions. I just found connecting to her as an amateur cook myself, as if she understands exactly what I am going through and pointing out what I should do when I get stuck.

And most importantly, her recipes work. I've tried mustard roasted fish, cape cod chopped salad, salmon with lentils, goat cheese mashed potato, provencal roast lamb. People, I just got her books less than three weeks. Do you know how many times hubby praised the dishes I cooked from her books? Four out of five, ladies and gentlemen. Four out of five! That's unheard of and I call it very good results indeed!

With almost one hour late for St. Valentine's day, I wish all of you here a good and happy day. Do something which pleases you, with or without valentine. To borrow Ina Garten's sage words, take something ordinary and make it really special.

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