Sunday 21 September 2014

Microwave dried rosemary

My friend, let me tell you, it's a revelation.

It all started with pruning our rosemary bush on one Sunday afternoon. I ended up with an armful  of rosemary branches after fierce pruning. Rosemary is a lovely herb, smelling so fresh and clean. I can't just compost those branches. So I consulted with Dr Google for a way to preserve herb. It seems that drying by oven and by microwave are two popular options.

Being a scientist at heart, I decided to try both. I shook the rosemary branches a few times to rid of bugs and dust. Then I washed the rosemary cuttings and towel dried the rosemary. I set the oven at 100C and sent in my rosemary on a baking sheet lined with paper towel. I kept the door ajar for steam to come out and also to keep the temperature not exceeding 100C. Half an hour later, my rosemary needles have become dark. They were not burned but dark and not even dry. Sad face.

Then I decided to try microwave. I lined the microwave rotating plate with two layers of paper towels and put washed and towel dried rosemary on top. I started with one minute at full power. Stopped the microwave, opened the door to let the steam escape (and wiped away any condensation) and check how dry my rosemary was. Then I repeated the same process a few times, until my rosemary needles became brittle. That's a sign when they are fully dry.

And look at the color of the final product, my friend. I am ecstatic! You wouldn't tell the rosemary is dry just by looking at it, as the microwave method keeps the rosemary bright green color so well. Now I know what to do with my garden herb!

Monday 15 September 2014

That's Just Me (plus Pretty Good Things)

I am going through my seasonal low now. I am surprised I can be that moody. Hormonal, work related or SAD, maybe a combination of all, I don't know. That's just how I feel these days, just wanting to stay home, lack of va va voom.

There are still good things in life. It's just hard to look at the bright side all the time. I keep thinking what's the best way towards life, confronting everything head-on or going around sticking points. Some would probably tell me it depends. Yes, I know it depends, depending on what, how, who and where, sometimes. If I had the wisdom and courage to do what I really think is right, would I lead a happier, more satisfied and fulfilled life? I have no answers. I just know that I've learned to co-exist with myself over the years, accepting that there are personal limitations which I am not motivated to change or improve. These are compromises in life. I know that. You are what you make of yourself. I guess I can't really complain.

With that out of my chest, I am not lost in life, not yet at least. I still know how to make myself happy, by doing a few of my favorite things, such as:

- Spending a nice week in San Francisco this August, combining work and personal holiday. Northern California seems to be a very interesting place to visit, certainly a very pretty one. Have to go back one day. Did I tell you that I got upgraded to First Class on my return flight? Shhh.

- Making my first granola. I've been having granola this year as breakfast. Although I don't like to eat the same thing everyday, I am surprised that I am having granola most of the weekdays this year as breakfast. I had been wanting to make my own but other things got better hold of me. Until I saw Orangette's Granola No. 5 and with a liter bottle of maple syrup flying back with me from San Francisco, I told myself it's time. And yes, I am so glad I did and my mom is into granola now. Smile.

- Making this cake. Yes I did make this famous plum torte and it is as delicious as everyone said it should be. It makes a very elegant afternoon tea accompaniment or after dinner dessert. I also made it twice in the first week, first original and second chocolate and plum. Big smile.

- Re-reading The Examined Life. I will probably read it the third time. It's strangely therapeutic.

- Planting bulbs for next year. How can anyone not hope for the Spring?