Monday 4 April 2011

I make - Eton Mess

Eton Mess, tasted far better than the sound of its name, is a traditional English dessert made of strawberries, softly whipped cream and crushed meringue. Simple, straightforward and satisfyingly delicious. The key is to only whip the cream softly so that it still flows slowly when tilted. Strawberries are traditionally used but raspberries or other summer berries should work equally well. I use Nigella's recipe as a basis and adapt each time depending on the mood and available fruit.

Eton Mess (adapted from this recipe)

- Strawberries, washed, hulled and cut-up
- Crème de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur)
- Caster sugar (optional)
- Whipped cream
- Vanilla extract or seeds from one vanilla pod (optional)
- Meringue pieces

No specific amount given here because it's such a versatile and adaptable dessert. The general procedure is to first macerate strawberry chunks with Crème de cassis and sugar (if desired). In the mean time, softly whip the cream until it's aerated but not stiff. Add the vanilla to the cream before whipping if used.

Right before serving, crush up the meringue pieces into the whipped cream. Don't over crush the meringue. You want to have a mixture of medium and small chunks in the whipped cream. Scoop in the macerated strawberries. Be careful not to mix too much juice in. Fold the mixture gently with a rubber spatula. Serve in your prettiest dessert glasses.

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