Saturday 23 October 2021

I make - Pea Flour Lemon Yogurt Cake

October, just one week before the time change, where did it all go?

I love my new job. Still do, the people, the work, the drive and the support. I am very lucky to make the right move 20 years later. The funny thing is that two more senior employees left after me. There are problems with my old place, I am sure, among other personal factors.

Well, let's get back to my recent culinary discovery, (yellow) pea flour. It's nutritiously superior to many other gluten free flour, higher in protein and fiber and lower in carbohydrate. I've heard a lot from the social media and finally decided to try. I have to admit that I was still doubtful during the baking stage after tasting the raw dough. But once it's fully baked, I am impressed. No odd beany flavor, not pasty, tastes just like flour based cake. There is a slight savory undertone, so perhaps most suitable with savory dishes. Nevertheless, it works very well with sweet baking of strong flavor such as citrus or chocolate. I will continue to experiment.

Pea Flour Lemon Yogurt Cake, adapted from Novo Farina

Zest and juice from 2 lemons, in separate bowls
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/4 cup olive oil
100 g Novo Farina Pea Flour
100 g ground almond
1.5 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup plain yogurt (I used Skyr 0%)

Lemon syrup
4 tbsps juice from 2 zested lemons
4 tbsps caster sugar

Preheat the oven to 180C. Grease and line a loaf tin.

Rub the lemon zest with sugar and salt until sugar becomes yellow. Beat in two eggs for 5 minutes until sugar is dissolved and eggs become light and airy.

Drizzle in olive oil with the beater on until the mixture becomes emulsified. Sift in pea flour, ground almond, baking powder and baking soda. Stir the mixture a few times and pour the yogurt in. Use a spatula or beater at low speed to mix the batter thoroughly until no sight of flour or yogurt. 

Pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake for 30 minutes at 180C or until it passes the toothpick test. Turn the tin around half way through. While the cake is baking, mix up the lemon syrup by combining lemon juice and sugar. Stir until all sugar is dissolved.

Remove the cake out of the oven when it's done. Immediately spoon the lemon syrup on top of the hot cake, cover as much surface as you can. Let the cake cool to room temperature before serving. I like to microwave the cake for 20 seconds before serving beyond the day of baking.