Friday 24 January 2014

Three Pretty Good Things: 24 January

1. Going home
I am flying back for Chinese New Year, Year of Horse. Now I am getting excited.

2. Friendship
Two of my friends in another continent asked me one after another in 2 minutes about meeting up later next week. Knowing that someone was thinking of you so far away makes me feel special. Yes, I will have two great night outs with my lovely girls.

3. Oh Sherlock
BBC Sherlock Holmes Season 3 is back. Did I tell you I am a fan of Mycroft? Maybe I just like the suits.

Monday 20 January 2014


Well, 2014 will lose its first month in 10 days. Where does the time go?

My 2014 started well. Being busy is a good sign. My new project is making a small but steady progress. Very satisfying to see. Not so many people around me have high expectation about it because it is a well known tough cookie. Well, that's fine by me. If it goes pear shape, that's expected. If it goes the other way, wow, we are in for a nice surprise. Everybody wins, I like that.

First, day is getting longer. What a nice feeling to see calming winter sun at least once a week. We are having a mild winter this year with cold snaps here and there but nothing major.

Gym routine is also back on track. Good.

Didn't go crazy on after-Christmas shopping. Well done! Hubby would be pleased (even though I only spent my own money).

I have another new year waiting for me, the Year of Horse! Looks like I already have a few things to be thankful for my January 2014!

Happy 2014.