Monday 25 November 2013

Are you still there?

I still am.

Yes, I know it's been a while. I have our new house to blame. So many things to do (and we still have an embarrassing amount of boxes scattered over three floors), so many contractors to chase (arrggh!), so much demand from work (yes, I am still employed) and yes, so little time (don't we all).

We stopped going to the gym for three months. I have to say I don't regret it, although I was missing the gym at the end of October. We are now back to the gym routine. Muscles are sore but the spirits are good.

Our new house has solar panels fitted. Today we received our first payment from the government for the energy we generated. It actually covers two thirds of our electricity bill for the past three months. We have had a pretty good summer and autumn this year in terms of sun light but still. Thank you, Mr Cameron.

On the slightly down side, we are learning how to insulate windows and doors better. All our windows and patio doors have double glazing. Because of the sheer number of window panes (quite a lot), the house does not seem to keep the heat well. Especially for the lounge where one side is all french windows, it looks lovely in summer but now gets very cold in winter. We've put weather strippings on all windows. That seems to cut down the draft for most windows. There are some windows which have no covering (blinds or curtains). Those may need some insulation enhancement. I am learning quite a lot by goolging. For example, you can put on secondary glazing film which is quite economical and effective. Another way is to put reflective foil behind each radiator. That sounds like a good idea. In fact, I am thinking about using kitchen foil to see whether it works. I also came across an Eco way to insulate windows with bubble wraps! That surely sounds a lot of fun. Not only it lets the light through, but also it seems to stop the heat passing too quickly.

You see, that's why I have been absent here. All for the good causes.

Keep warm, my friend.