Saturday 27 July 2013

A dala drawn by you

I mentioned that I have been busy packing this month.

There are certain things I always keep, photos. Remember those days when photos had to be taken with roll films and developed by specialists? Funny that now at the digital photo age, I end up with far less physical photos than before (I guess that was the idea?). Anyhow, I found photos during my first day of graduate school, me and my classmates during and after classes, first time back to Taiwan after many years in the States with my beloved grand parents who are now long gone (I miss them dearly). I noticed that most of the time I was smiling when I went through the old photos. I guess it's a good thing. They stay.

On the other hand, I also thew away many things rather ruthlessly, transparencies from my Ph.D defense, numerous research articles read and shipped across the ocean, first job offer letter, official work permit issue letter, permanent residency letter and City Hall appointment letter for our wedding ceremony. It's like watching my life at fast speed. I did feel something inside when I threw away those things. But hey, they are not truly gone. They are with me. What I am now is made from those. Of course they are with me, permanently.

In the middle of the paper mountain, I found a hand drawing on a yellow post-it note. It was a red Swedish Dala horse, stuck on a research paper mailed from Sweden by my then boyfriend (now master of this house). The paper was sent because I requested or it was considered important for my work. I am no longer sure. I do remember the time that we were separated by the Atlantics and neither of us was sure how to converge. Look where we are now. Would you have thought of that? This drawing may not be by Van Gogh but was created just for me. And that means the whole world to me. For the time being, I am keeping this red Dala.

Sunday 21 July 2013

Too good to give away

We've packing for three weeks. There are four of adults in this packing exercise.

There is still a lot to empty or pack up.

The kitchen corner just seems endless. We just discovered a forgotten high up cupboard which was probably opened less than five times during the past 10 years. More plates, water glasses, bakeware and kitchen appliances. Except for a set of cutlery which means something to us, the rest will go to the charity.

To empty the freezer, I made a big clafoutis with raspberries and blueberries which were sitting in the freezer for some time. We devoured half of it after dinner.

It's too good to skip.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Not as shiny as gold

But it's our Tin anniversary today. Happy anniversary, darling.

We've got ourselves a big present this year, a new house. We've worked very hard for it, financially, physically and mentally. Our July so far is mostly boxing up the old stuff in the evenings, driving to the new place and unloading them. And oh boy, how did we manage to pile up so many things in this small house?

Packing and (hopefully) soon unpacking in the next month aside, we really love our new house. We saw it first on paper with a 2D drawing and followed it from the stage when the new foundation was just laid, week by week, to its final completion. My favorite feature is the oak staircase with a big long window running from the top to ground floor on the side. Sometimes I just stand at the bottom of the staircase, looking up and out of the windows into blue sky, in awe, feeling content.

Professionally this year has shown to be fruitful for me. I just came back from another collaboration meeting, doing a one woman show. It still amazes me to know that people seek my advice and do what I suggest, after being in this business for more a decade. I am a fortunate one, I know.

Perseverance, especially perseverance in believing yourself, is not a sexy word but a good one to remember, as it will see you through many ups and downs. If you are also in the transition period of your life, best wishes to you.

Friday 5 July 2013

July 2013 notes

There are a few things falling into place this year for me. I am extremely happy and grateful at the same time. If I had moved a few years back, if I had not changed my attitude to match the prospect, I would not have these good things at all this year.

Life, is what you make of it. Really.